With the Premier League calendars being such a success, it was only reasonable of me that I did a new calendar for the impending World Cup 2014 in Brazil, so here is that calendar for World Cup 2014 in Brazil.
It’s set to UK times (if there is big demand, I can create ones for different timezones) – just let me know via . If you can think of anything else that would be of help – and its not too time consuming or impossible, then also give us a shout on and we can chat about it.
Here’s what one of my calendars look like on the iPad.

And here’s the link you’ve been waiting for. Please take the time to share this on Twitter, Facebook and wherever else you think its neccessary. The further it goes, the more likely I am to continue doing these things.
There are currently calendars for GMT, Central, Eastern, Pacific and Japan timezones. I hope I’ve got these right for you guys. If you notice any anomolies, then let me know.
World Cup 2014All Fixtures: | UK Time Zone | https://feintzebra.co.uk/fixtures/WorldCup2014.ics |
All Fixtures: | CST | https://feintzebra.co.uk/fixtures/WorldCup2014CST.ics |
All Fixtures: | EST | https://feintzebra.co.uk/fixtures/WorldCup2014EST.ics |
All Fixtures: | PST | https://feintzebra.co.uk/fixtures/WorldCup2014PST.ics |
All Fixtures: | Japan | https://feintzebra.co.uk/fixtures/WorldCup2014Japan.ics |
Here are a few ways you can subscribe to it:
Mozilla Sunbird
File >> Subscribe To Remote Calendar
Select On the Network and click Next
Enter web address listed above under Location. Click next
Customize on this page if you wish.
Click finish.
Google Calendars
Click on the arrow to the right of Other Calendars
Select Add from URL
Enter web address listed above.
Click Add Calendar
Click on Calendar
Right click “Other Calendars”
Select “Add Calendar >> From Internet”
Enter URL at top of post.
Click OK
Mail, Contacts, Calendars
Add Account >> Other
Add Subscribed Calendar
Paste ICS link
Thanks a lot my friend – the Outlook thing works super good !
Nice calendar! Any chance though that you could add the groups into the info as well as having the venue?
Thanks – this was super helpful. Only notice 1 tiny error. The calendar shows that the second matches for Thursday 6/26/2014 was @ 11am instead of 1PM (I’m using the PST version).
Thanks – will sort out when I get home.
Nice Calendar, but i´ve a question, i use Outlook, how can i update the results ?
Thanks m8
Dick Spade
They should update automatically.
Thanks for your answer, but update is´nt automatically
I open outlook today, and the games from 26 june, dont show the results, like other games, in days before
I think I see the problem – you must be using the japanese calendar? On the 26th I have the start dates as the 27th and the end dates as the 26th so they will never show up – will fix that now
Thanks, its run ok now
It would be nice if the UK Time Zone version had TV channel match is shown on in brackets after the location.
e.g. 17:00 France v Germany; Estadio do Maracana (BBC)
I thought it did – then again, that might have been for all the group games. Have updated for the final 6 games of the tourney.